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How to: Call an AIF Web Service from C# to Create a Sales Order - Sample Code

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using ConsumeSalesOrderService.SalesOrder;

// Add a using statement for the service reference.

using System.Collections;

namespace ConsumeSalesOrderService


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            // Instantiate an instance of the service client class.

            SalesOrderService proxy = new SalesOrderService();

            // Create an instance of the document class.

            AxdSalesOrder salesOrder = new AxdSalesOrder();

            // Create instances of the entities that are used in the service and

            // set the needed fields on those entities.

            AxdEntity_SalesTable salesTable = new AxdEntity_SalesTable();

            salesTable.CurrencyCode = "USD";

            salesTable.CustAccount = "1101";

            salesTable.DeliveryDate = Convert.ToDateTime("2/14/2010");

            salesTable.Payment = "N060";

            salesTable.PurchOrderFormNum = "PO";

            AxdEntity_SalesLine salesLine = new AxdEntity_SalesLine();

            salesLine.ItemId = "1001";

            salesLine.SalesQty = 88;

            salesLine.SalesUnit = "ea";

            AxdEntity_InventDim inventDim = new AxdEntity_InventDim();

            inventDim.configId = "HD";

            inventDim.InventColorId = "01";

            inventDim.InventSizeId = "42";

            // Add the sub-entity instances to their parent entities as an array

            // of the sub-entity type.

            salesLine.InventDim = new AxdEntity_InventDim[1] { inventDim };

            salesTable.SalesLine = new AxdEntity_SalesLine[1] { salesLine };

            salesOrder.SalesTable = new AxdEntity_SalesTable[1] { salesTable };



                // Call the create method on the service passing in the document.

                EntityKey[] returnedSalesOrderEntityKey = proxy.create(salesOrder);

                // The create method returns an EntityKey which contains the ID of the sales order.

                EntityKey returnedSalesOrder = (EntityKey)returnedSalesOrderEntityKey.GetValue(0);

                Console.WriteLine("The sales order created has a Sales ID of " + returnedSalesOrder.KeyData[0].Value);



            catch (Exception e)








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